Thursday, February 14, 2013


Obligatory "Grrr, I hate Valentine's Day post."  Secretly (or not so secretly), I want to love it.
I didn't get yesterday's mail in until this morning.  My mom delivered a card to my mailbox at some point.  I bought myself my box of Dove truffles a couple weeks ago; I got her a box of Dove truffles too (at Christmad she was all about the Dove truffle Christmas tree.  She said she said her valentine's people usually wait until it's too late to buy them and they're sold out...
Kandi got me a white scarf that I've been looking for and some Reese Peanut Butter hearts. YAY.  I'm wearing my scarf and the shirt I want to wear it with tomorrow.  
However, I can't have my chocolate until after Lent though... poor planning on my part.  Oh well.

I had the idea that I was going to make a red velvet poke cake for work, but when I went to buy red velvet mix, I couldn't find any.  I was mainly doing it for one gal who has been working from home...she comes in to work maybe twice a month now.  But then secretly, I was kind of glad that I couldn't find any red velvet cake mix because it's Valentine's Day and it's cliché and I didn't want to be one of those people.

Then I thought about just doing cupcakes... and then I was like NO, I'm not giving in.  I hate Valentine's Day (even though I secretly want to love it).

Newlywed gal on our team is off work today because she wanted to take off for Valentine's Day.  Well, blah to that... (even though I secretly want to do the same thing if I had someone around to spend it with).

Oh well... If you're in love and are all "Yay, Valentine's Day."  Good for you; I'm secretly happy for it.  But I'm going to ignore your happiness and not tell you Valentine's Day.

Happy Thursday.


  1. I don't know why this is yelling at you. I edited it and now all the letters are capital. Sorry. I don't have time to fix it.

  2. I have mixed emotions about Valentine's Day. In school I remember being so sad and depressed when I didn't have anyone to celebrate. And then I was irritated when I did and he got me red roses. (Partly because it was a cop-out and partly because I knew he hated the whole thing and thought it was stupid. So it was hard to enjoy.)

    But now that I've got kids I just want it to be a special day for them. They each got a stuffed animal, a book and a small box of jelly bellies. Sebastian is so excited! And that makes me so excited.

    All the commercial bullshit drives me crazy. And all the ads telling us that again we need to spend a ton of money on our significant other to show our love. And I think it makes women look shallow and greedy and vapid.

    Give me hug from my family. That's what this should be about.

    (Apparently I have a lot of feelings about Valentine's Day.)

  3. I don't want flowers. I don't want chocolate. I know you can do special things everyday. The kiddo valentines for the parents and parents for the kids are sweet. It would be nice for this day to feel maybe a little different at least once...
